Technially this is "fulled," but "felted" seems to be the most widely recognized term. I'm knowingly erring for the sake of the masses. So sue me.
This was the first knitting pattern I wrote. I have seen people complain that there are errors in my pattern. I can't find them. If you find any flaws in my pattern, please let me know and I will correct them. Knit at your own risk. The main complaint seems to be that the increases and decreases are not coming out on the same edge.
Be sure that all of your increases and decreases are on the same edge! One edge should never increase or decrease.
If it will help, place a stitch marker on the straight edge to remind you. Also, it seems like there should be 12 sts in the last row, but it looks better if there are 11.
Blessings, Lindsay
This was the first knitting pattern I wrote. I have seen people complain that there are errors in my pattern. I can't find them. If you find any flaws in my pattern, please let me know and I will correct them. Knit at your own risk. The main complaint seems to be that the increases and decreases are not coming out on the same edge.
Be sure that all of your increases and decreases are on the same edge! One edge should never increase or decrease.
If it will help, place a stitch marker on the straight edge to remind you. Also, it seems like there should be 12 sts in the last row, but it looks better if there are 11.
Blessings, Lindsay
Skill: Beginner
Needle: size 10, 16" or 12" circular needle
Yarn: 100% wool or wool/mohair worsted weight such as Paton's Classic Merino or Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride (pictured above is made from my own handspun) in 2 colors
yarn needle
one stitch marker or yarn scrap
6 buttons matching accent color
washing machine & detergent for felting
Cast on 12 sts using main color (color you prefer for top portion of crown)
1. knit across
2. ssk, and then knit across. (11)
3. knit across
4. ssk, and knit across. (10)
5. knit across
6. ssk, and knit across. (9)
7. knit across
8. ssk, and knit across (8)
9. knit across
10. ssk, and knit across (7)
11. knit across
12. ssk, and knit across (6)
13. knit across
14. knit to end of row, and cast on 1 (7)
15. knit across
16. knit to end of row and cast on 1 (8)
17. knit across
18. knit to end of row and cast on 1 (9)
19. knit across
20. knit to end of row and cast on 1 (10)
21. knit across
22. knit to end of row and cast on 1 (11)
23. knit across
24. knit to end of row and cast on 1 (11)
25. knit across
FOR CHILD: repeat rows 1-2 six times.
FOR TODDLER: repeat rows 1-2 five times.
ALL: Repeat rows 1-23 one more time
Pick up 11 sts on cast-on edge using empty needle.
Using kitchener stitch, graft first and last rows together. Secure ends and weave them in.
Along straight edge, pick up sts at the end of approx. every other row. Be sure you have an even number. Place stitch marker or scrap of yarn at beginning. Using accent color, work 1x1 ribbing for 3 rounds. Drop accent color and pick up main color. Work 1 round of ribbing. Drop main color and pick up accent color again, and work 4 more rounds in ribbing.
Bind off and weave in ends. (I like the sewn bind off for this) Felt in your washing machine with a few low-lint items. Lay flat to dry.
Trim any fuzz and sew on buttons at points (which had not been finished when I snapped the photo above)
This pattern is protected by copyright. You may use it for personal and charitable use, but you may not sell more than one item made from this pattern without my permission. You may not re-post the pattern without my permission. Feel free to comment if you have any questions.